  • Vietnamese English

Lượt truy cập hôm nay: 767

Lượt truy cập hôm qua: 1957

Lượt truy cập tháng: 163623

Tổng truy cập: 3472448

  • Vietnamese English

General Director of CONINCO 3C visited and worked at the high-rise housing project for sale N02, N04, N05 (Berriver Long Bien) on April 26, 2021

On April 26, 2021, General Director Tran Viet Cuong had a meeting and worked with the delegation of CONINCO 3C at the project of high-rise housing for sale N02, N04, N05 (Berriver Long Bien). The specific project progress is as follows:

Complete construction of the structural part

Construction work, plastering inside and outside reached 90%

Building N02 started construction of MEP system on floors 3,4,5; Construction of aluminum and glass doors for apartment model 404 building N02.







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